Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Your Life Through a Telescope

On our family trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains we stopped by a look-out post to observe the beautiful view. One of our sons, Landon, noticed a telescope mounted on the side rail. He walked to the telescope and saw all the mountains small and distant. I showed him that he had the telescope turned around backwards. He was looking through the bigger end of the telescope. This view of God’s creation was not that impressive. When he looked through the telescope correctly he was amazed at the sites.

Sometimes we think God is looking at is through a telescope that is turned around backwards. Sometimes we feel more distant than we really are. Or we may feel too small for God to take notice. Allow me to remind you that God will never leave us or forsake us. He promises to cheer us on. He sings over us. He is our number #1 fan. He looks through a telescope that views us as His most marvelous creation. We are not distant, but very close. We are not small, but rather large on His mind and His thoughts. As you worship this weekend I encourage you to sing and play to a heavenly Father that takes delight in your offering of worship.


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