Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just Get Here

Growing up our family had a car that did the weirdest thing. It would not go forward until it was warmed up. During the winter months we would have to warm up the car for several minutes before putting it in drive. We found a flaw in this stubborn behavior. The car would go in reverse even when running cold. There were quite a few Sunday mornings when the Bennett family was late to church. So instead of waiting until the car was warm on many occasions we threw the gear in reverse and drove down the street backwards. When the car was finally warm (after about a mile or so) we would turn the car around. The problem was solved.

There are many blockades that try to keep us from going to church.

A flat tire; a blown hair dryer

A run in your hose; a runny nose.

Coffee on your shirt; a hole in your skirt.

A car in reverse; can things get worse?

Whatever it takes to get to church just get here. Even if it means driving your car in reverse. We will see you on Sunday.


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