Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Simple Christmas

Here are some specific ways to have a Simple Christmas

S – Spotlight the Manger

There are many distractions out there competing for attention at Christmas. A Simple Christmas means a focused Christmas. A Christmas focused on the manger. Make every decoration and every conversation spotlight the manger.

I – Inspect Your Christmas

The word, inspect means “to examine carefully and critically, especially for flaws.” Do we have flaws in the way we do Christmas? Have we taken a close look at our Christmas? My family and I will inspect our Christmas. I encourage you to do the same.

M – Manage Your Giving

This may sound strange. Isn’t Christmas about giving? Yes, but the giving can consume us. Most gifts are given out of sincere hearts. But how many gifts are given out of guilt?

P – Purify Your Christmas

So much of our conversation around this time of year is about what we’re doing, where we’re going or what in-law is invading our homes this year. Let’s purify our Christmas with conversation about the birth of Jesus. Bring it all back to Him.

L – Limit Your Schedule

Yea, right!!! This is possible. Examine your calendar to purposefully cut out the unnecessary. Cut out as much as possible except those things that involve your family or giving adoration for His birth.

E – Empty Your Mind

When Jesus was born there was no room for him in the inn. Is there room for Him in your mind? Our minds are very full at Christmas. One way to empty our mind is to give thanks for His birth and the blessings in our lives. If we do this several times a day we will push out the junk that clutters our mind to make room for our Savior.


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