Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Swan

I was on a train ride at a zoo with my family. We passed through woods, tunnels and over bridges. One of the bridges passed over a bayou. The bank of that bayou was littered with trash obviously left over concessions purchased in the zoo. But in the middle of that trash sat the most beautiful swan I’d ever seen. There was not a single spot or blemish on her. She seemed to almost glow when surrounded by all the debris. I begin looking around for other swan. There were no other fowls to be seen. It was strange to me to see such a beautiful swan in the middle of trash.

The Holy Spirit whispered to me on that train ride. The swan represented God’s Church, the bride of Christ. The trash and debris represented the world and what it produces. It became clear to me that God was reminding me the purpose of His church. We are to be a spotless image of God through the redemptive power of Christ while living in a world full of sin. Our purpose is not to only flock with other swan but to be an example of Jesus in this world.

You have a wonderful opportunity everyday to be an example of Christ in this world of trash. I encourage you to hold fast to the calling being a child of God even when surrounded by the filth the world has to offer.


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