Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You Changed My Name

Most of you heard my testimony of how my name was changed. No, I’m not a CIA agent with a name like Jason Bourne. My biological father left my mother and me when I was almost two. My step father, Rick Bennett who is and will always be in my mind my real father, married my mom when I was still very young. And yes, even after seeing the hyperactive, frail little boy loved me like I was his own.

Years later I met Frank Edward Mosley about two weeks before he died of lung cancer caused by years of alcoholism and smoking. I also met my half sister, Samantha. Since the funeral Samantha has told me of a life tormented through all kinds of abuse from Frank Mosley. Even though she has freedom now my heart breaks for her. But most important my heart is very thankful to my Father in heaven for rescuing me from years of abuse. God saw what I could be and reaching out to me…He changed my name.

Many of you may not have a testimony of a family name change. But some of you have a testimony where God changed your name from “Guilty” to “Forgiven” from “Shame” to “New Beginnings”. Some of you need to accept the adoption of your Father in Heaven. He has a new name for you.


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