Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Touch of Faith

Have you ever lost something of value? If so, then you probably searched for that item with great intent on finding it. In Luke chapter 8 we see two people who have lost something of value; one was his daughter, the other was her health.

Jairus was an important man in the community, a synagogue leader. We find him bowing down at the feet of Jesus asking for a life-saving miracle. Even after hearing that his daughter was dead he did not give up his faith.

We will never know the name of the other person in this story. She was an outcast because of her continuous bleeding. Yet her faith will always be remembered. She revealed the power of Christ like no other person.

Both of these stories involved faith that had the end result solved before Jesus even spoke a word. Jairus believed his twelve-year old daughter would be healed and raised from the dead before Jesus took a step toward his house. The woman believed her twelve-year old illness would be healed without Jesus touching her or looking at her.

There were many people touching Jesus that day. But these two people touched the heart and the garment of Jesus with an intent of finding something they had lost. They were desperate. In return, Jesus revealed God’s power in their lives.

If we want to see God’s power revealed we must ask, touch, worship and seek with the expectation of the end result.


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